The Plan

What we’re doing and why

The road to starting a church takes time and intentionality.
Here’s an at-a-glance picture of how we see Resurrection Anglican forming.

  • During the Awareness Phase, our main objective is to let people know we’re here! In a sense, we never move on from this phase, but in the early days of church planting, this phase needs special attention and effort. To generate awareness, we spend time in public places intentionally meeting new people, host meetings in our home over dinner, and find other ways to gather people to share the vision of what God is calling us to in Bend.

  • During The Table Group Phase, we will host bi-monthly gatherings in our home where we introduce people to the rhythms of prayer found in the Book of Common Prayer. We also plan to develop a rich sense of community over a meal at each gathering. This phase is primarily to gather and grow those interested in joining our church. It’s also an opportunity for us as a church to establish the culture that will be with us for years to come!

  • During the Pre-Launch phase, we will move our Table Group out of our home and into a space where we can worship together through monthly services. The goal for our monthly worship service is ultimately to honor God with reverent worship, but also to invite friends and neighbors to experience what liturgical worship is like. We’ll continue to grow our Table Group which will eventually transform into multiple Table Groups that will continue to cultivate a deep sense of community.

  • During the Launch Phase, our objective is to start a weekly worship service. Our goal is not just to have a worship service, but to form a healthy community of disciples who love God and neighbor with their hearts, souls, and minds. While launching weekly worship services is vital, it’s only one part of our church’s life together. During this phase, we’ll also start to develop a robust children’s ministry, offer Christian formation classes, and develop the structures needed to have a healthy church for years to come. This is the last phase, but this is merely the beginning of what God has called us to here in Bend.

*Our current phase