Our Values, Part IV: Scripture
This is the fourth in a series of posts to invite you into understanding the values of Resurrection Anglican.
Values are the things that undergird a particular community’s way of being. They are the building blocks of how communities operate and what motivates them.
Here at Rez, we have identified five values that we want to inhabit as a community. They are liturgy, sacrament, Scripture, formation, and hospitality.
Let’s talk about Scripture and how it relates to who we are as a church.
In our current cultural moment, knowing what is true can feel difficult. Politicians are adept at spitting out “truth” but the “fact checkers” are always quick to rebut. Social media is full of people who seem to know everything about epidemiology, globalization, education—you name it—and are quick to point fingers at those they deem wrong.
What we’re experiencing can seem like a blurring of truth, making it hard for people to see with clarity what’s up and down, what’s right and wrong. And when one’s individual “truth” comes into conflict with another’s, it can be hard to know who to trust.
Here at Resurrection, we want to be grounded in a truth outside of ourselves. We recognize that the source of all truth is Jesus—the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We can best understand and know Truth by looking to Jesus and immersing ourselves in the Scriptures that reveal him, both the Old and New Testaments found in the Bible.
I love this prayer found in the Book of Common Prayer:
“Blessed Lord, who caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and the comfort of your holy Word we may embrace and hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
Our hope is that the Bible both informs and forms us into people who love like Jesus, think like Jesus, and act like Jesus.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Bible and what it has to say about Truth and Jesus, reach out to Fr. Kyle.
Values are the things that undergird a particular community’s way of being. They are the building blocks of how communities operate and what motivates them.
Here at Rez, we have identified five values that we want to inhabit as a community. They are liturgy, sacrament, Scripture, formation, and hospitality.
Let’s talk about Scripture and how it relates to who we are as a church.
In our current cultural moment, knowing what is true can feel difficult. Politicians are adept at spitting out “truth” but the “fact checkers” are always quick to rebut. Social media is full of people who seem to know everything about epidemiology, globalization, education—you name it—and are quick to point fingers at those they deem wrong.
What we’re experiencing can seem like a blurring of truth, making it hard for people to see with clarity what’s up and down, what’s right and wrong. And when one’s individual “truth” comes into conflict with another’s, it can be hard to know who to trust.
Here at Resurrection, we want to be grounded in a truth outside of ourselves. We recognize that the source of all truth is Jesus—the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We can best understand and know Truth by looking to Jesus and immersing ourselves in the Scriptures that reveal him, both the Old and New Testaments found in the Bible.
I love this prayer found in the Book of Common Prayer:
“Blessed Lord, who caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and the comfort of your holy Word we may embrace and hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
Our hope is that the Bible both informs and forms us into people who love like Jesus, think like Jesus, and act like Jesus.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Bible and what it has to say about Truth and Jesus, reach out to Fr. Kyle.