Our Values, Part I: Liturgy

This is the first in a series of posts to invite you into understanding the values of Resurrection Anglican.

Values are the things that undergird a particular community’s way of being. They are the building blocks to how communities operate and what motivates them.

Here at Rez, we have identified five values that want to inhabit as a community. They are liturgy, Scripture, sacrament, formation, and hospitality

Let’s talk about liturgy. Liturgy literally means “the work of the people.” When we gather together to worship God, we don’t come to consume worship, but rather we come to create worship.

So much of our culture is a culture that consumes. We go to concerts to consume a performance. We go to the movies to consume a story. We go to sporting events to consume competition. These aren’t necessarily bad. However, worship is different, because when it comes to worship we can’t be spectators. We are called to be participants in worship as we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1-2). The liturgy allows us to participate and create worship together. 

Our liturgy is an ancient form of worship. Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, we use prayers that have been used by the Church for millennia to help guide and shape our liturgy—many of which can be traced back to as early as the 2nd century. These are forms of worship that have withstood the test of time, uniting us with the faithful Christians that have worshiped this way for millennia. 

The goal of our liturgical form of worship is to shape and form our desires. Through the liturgy, our desires will be shaped toward loving God and loving our neighbors. 

Want to learn more about liturgy? Reach out to Fr. Kyle or come experience our Table Group!




Our Values, Part II: Sacrament


Why Start Another Church?