Our Values

What’s important to us


Absorbing truth.

We are people who want to “hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” the Holy Scriptures and be transformed by truth (BCP, page 598). We are committed to studying the Bible both individually and collectively, and putting into practice that which we learn together.


Encountering Jesus.

A sacrament is an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace. Baptism, Holy Communion, and marriage are a few examples of the Sacraments that can be received in the Church. Through the sacraments, we encounter Jesus in real and transformative ways.


Creating worship.

Liturgy literally means “the work of the people.” When we gather to worship God, we don’t come to consume worship, but rather we come to create worship. We aren’t trying to reinvent the wheel. Instead, we use prayers that have been used by the Church for millenia to help guide and shape our liturgy.


Becoming Christ-like.

We are committed to the process of Christiformity. In other words, being conformed to the image of Christ. This takes humility, forgiveness, grace, and vulnerability as we seek God together. We intentionally do this through worship, discipleship, and community.


Reflecting God.

As we experience the hospitality found in worshiping the Triune God, we’re transformed to be a people who reflect that same hospitality to each other and our neighbors.